Effect of nutrient solution on antioxidant content and yield | 52996
An International Journal

Agricultural and Biological Research

ISSN - 0970-1907
RNI # 24/103/2012-R1


Effect of nutrient solution on antioxidant content and yield contributing characteristics in capsicum

M Jahed Rahman, Md Shahjahan Ali, Farzana Islami, Zannat Zakia, Abu Raihani, Md Quamruzzaman

Nutrient solution and its composition can have the effect of capsicum
growth and yield. Specific crops have their own particular nutritional
necessity for their proper growth in soilless culture. Therefore, it is
important to identify nutritional composition for capsicum soilless culture
in Bangladesh. In this study, the growth and yield parameter of sweet pepper
was investigated by applying different formulations of nutrient solutions.
Three nutrient solutions were considered as treatments, viz. S1=Hoagland
and Arnon, S2=Full strength Rahman and Inden, and S3=¾ strength
Rahman and Inden [1]. Vegetative growth, physiological traits and yield
contributing characters were measured. The highest plant height (119 cm),
number of fruit per plant (20), individual fruit weight (210 g), fruit length
(8.7 cm), fruit diameter (7.9 cm), fruit volume (224 cc) and fruits yield (3.99
kg/plant) were found highest when S2 nutrient formulation was applied.
But statistically similar results were found in S3. While the ascorbic acid
(205.8 mg/100 g FW), leaf area (136.8 cm2), leaf mass ratio (0.97 g.g-1) and
net assimilation rate (0.000012 were maximum in S3. Therefore,
¾ strength Rahman and Inden, nutrient solution may be used for capsicum
culture in the hydroponic system in Bangladesh

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