Open and Green Areas as a Gathering Area the Case of Küçükçe | 96398
An International Journal

Agricultural and Biological Research

ISSN - 0970-1907
RNI # 24/103/2012-R1


Open and Green Areas as a Gathering Area the Case of Küçükçekmece, Istanbul

Yıldız AKSOY*

Gathering areas are needed for protected against possible risks that may arise during and after the earthquake. Green areas, which have an important role in the organic bond to be established between the ecological, physical, and economic functions before the earthquake, and human health and living space, assume the function of gathering areas after earthquakes and other possible disasters. The research aims to calculate, plan and create sufficient green areas that can be used after a possible earthquake taking into account the risk and disaster management approach. A competency assessment of gathering areas at the level of neighborhoods was made with the proposal of a norm of 2 m2 per capita. As a result of the evaluation, it was observed that norm deficit (area deficit) did not occur in the gathering areas in the neighborhood of Atakent, Beşyol, Fatih, Halkalı Merkez, Istasyon, Söğütlüçeşme, Tevfikbey and Yeşilova.

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